We discussed the notion of the idealistic and perhaps almost
unattainable role of a curator as in a liminal space, uninflected by the
cultures of either polar ends. (I think.)
It was and is still difficult for me to grasp this concept. Being brought up in
the local education system we were told never to sit on the fence in the case
of writing arguments. I initially saw three shades to this question. White,
black and you also have grey. The whole concept being in the liminal space
would mean wading within the thin grey line. However, we then also came to the
conjecture that by labeling the liminal space the "grey" zone would
be putting a label to it and henceforth some what casting an influence to it,
which should not be the case. I am still trying to get this. >.<
With the concept of liminality, our discussions progressed to include the roles and challenges of being a curator.
According to Thomas McEvilley, an artist often creates his work with
a certain intention, but the additional aiming that the curator inserts when
exhibiting the work also often invalidates the root intention. And the curator
also puts the works into a particular context while presenting it to the
viewer. He highlights this move away from sameness and solidarity in the
team(for a curator to achieve sameness between original work intention and
curating forms) has gained popularity. Instead, many curators are choosing to
highlight the differences of styles and allowing each thing to be itself. Recall: Curatorial Roundtable 2: Challenge of stringing a narrative between works WITHOUT forming too thick a narrative of your own.
Is also important for the curator to be aware of the cultures he or
she is getting entangled with. This is to prevent the curator from appearing
unaware of the cultures and social norms. Certain curators chose only art devoid of of outside input, or in other
other words, native original works without the influences of the west. This
choice was deemed highly myopic, especially in the case of India, whereby this
choice led to the omission of a great number of complex works by artists
struggling to comprehend the interface
between India and the West. The fertility of the multicultural plurality of
the Indian culture seemed to be ignored in the thought process.
I guess these are important for us to know in the planning of our
exhibition. So that we have a focus, and yet, not ignore the pluralities of the
field we are in.
Our discussions for the exhibition have also have progressed. We are
currently narrowed our topics to the few on the wall. The topics are still in
their organic forms. We have decided to do our own individual research on all
the presented topics so that we can come together to further discuss the state
of how to move further.
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